
Equipping Haitians
for Self-Sufficiency
Social empowerment provides hope and a vision for the future, empowering individuals to be effective role models and community members contributing to building Haiti Stronger. Our work includes providing social support by licensed Haitian social workers to improve the wellbeing of families through assessments, counseling, workshops and the facilitation of services. Adults are also offered access to business training, job skills and employment counseling to help them develop and strengthen their ability to generate income to support their families. Overture also facilitates leadership training to
equip community members to be self-directed and to foster a culture of self-governance.
Stats from 2024 Annual Report

Our Focus Areas

Empowering Leaders
Strong communities can only be built by strong leaders. And empowered communities are built from the inside out. That’s why Overture invests in identifying and developing community members who can take on the mantle of leadership where there has been a vacuum for generations. Through Overture’s educational programs, hands-on learning and mentoring, these leaders are given the tools and experience to become trusted, effective catalysts for change in their communities.
Strengthening Families
The family is the heart of a community. As the family goes, so goes the community. We make family strengthening a priority by developing and implementing education, training and programs that address the challenges Haitian families encounter each day. This includes: - Family Empowerment Workshops that provide tools and resources that families can leverage to more effectively manage their daily needs. - Child Protection Training focused on equipping parents and caregivers with the information they need to ensure their children are safe and well cared for. - Business Training that provides adult family members with education and resources they can use to start and maintain a business so they can better provide for their family.
Preserving Families
Did you know a primary reason Haitian children are separated from their families and handed over to an orphanage is because of extreme poverty? For most families, it starts with their inability to provide their children with access to education, food and other critical resources. Much of our work to build and preserve families begins with Overture reunifying children with their biological family or a qualified foster family. Once connected with their family, our Overture Social Support Model provides intensive social services, training and education that equips the entire family to remain and grow together. To learn more about our reunification efforts and our commitment to end the Haitian orphanage system, read our three-part Orphanages are NOT the Answer series by clicking on the image above.