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Writer's pictureOverture International

Building Haiti Stronger

Many of you have participated in our quarterly Stronger Series virtual information sessions over the past year or so. The feedback we’ve received from participants has been so positive and encouraging. Our team loves having these conversations with those who are investing in Overture and in our friends in southern Haiti.

This quarter, with the impending holidays and other priorities, we’ve decided to produce a Stronger Series blog post in lieu of our virtual session. We still welcome and encourage your feedback and questions and look forward to speaking with you again (virtually) for the next live Stronger Series information session in the first quarter of 2023.

Until then have a blessed, joyous and safe Christmas and new year!

You can submit any feedback or questions to Overture International Executive Director Lisa Hyatt at

Session 4: Overture's Proven Social Support Model

As we reflect on the circumstances in Haiti over the last couple of months, we’re acutely aware of the urge to step in and try to “solve” the problems of violence, unrest, and the like that have been so prevalent in the country for so long. But these current issues are just symptoms of deep-rooted, generational challenges like poverty, oppression, corruption and harmful foreign interventions such as food aid that ultimately damaged Haiti’s farming economy by well-meaning organizations and governments, including the U.S. But as we challenged in our Philanthropy Journal “Stay Out of Haiti” article, now is the time to end these damaging interventions and focus on empowering and equipping Haitians to be part of developing solutions to end generational poverty and build independence and self-sufficiency.

How does this happen? We at Overture, believe that we must remain focused on our purpose (why), our process (how) and on the proof of our impact (what) in order to truly build Haiti Stronger.

The Why - Our Purpose

Overture’s mission is to empower Haitian families and their communities to be active and engaged in building full, hopeful and independent lives.

Our vision is a Haiti transformed by strong, independent, self-sufficient Haitian communities. We’re committed to remaining laser-focused on this mission and vision, avoiding the inevitable distractions that arise during times like these. Simply, our why is founded in our belief that God desires all of us, including Haitians, to experience the dignity, freedom and joy that comes from living independent and self-sufficient lives. All of our projects and plans are developed through the lens of this why and our mission and vision. Which led us to develop the Overture Social Support Model, which leads us to our HOW.

The How - Our Process

The Overture Social Support Model, built on 5 Pillars - Education, Housing, Nutrition, Healthcare, Empowerment - is designed to equip Haitians with the information, skills, training and opportunities necessary to move themselves and their communities from dependence to self-sufficiency.

This Model allows us to proactively develop strategies like our Diri Lavi! Food packaging program that is developing economic infrastructure, providing skills training and feeding school children all led by local community members. And all of this is being implemented in spite of the challenges associated with the civil unrest taking place in the country. Being proactive, as you’ll read in the next section, the Social Support Model allows us to respond more quickly and effectively to disasters and crises when they arise by our long-term program planning. So, no matter the circumstances, our Overture Support Model and the amazing people in Haiti provide a solution. How do we know this process works? Let’s check out the proof.

The What - Our Proof

The power of the Overture Social Support Model was clearly evident in the response to the 7.2 magnitude earthquake that hit the country last year.

Because of the Overture Social Support Model, our local teams had the necessary resources and skills to focus on an effective plan for rescue, recovery and rebuilding through the 5 Pillars. Our efforts by the end of 2021, resulted in:

  • 144 Homes repaired and rebuilt quickly and more resiliently.

  • 2,807 individuals received medical care through mobile medical clinics.

  • 15 Classrooms were restored so that 1,150 students could return to school as soon as possible after the earthquake.

  • 81,000 Individuals served through 10 Community food programs, set up to provide regular access to warm, nutritious meals.

  • 260+ Families were assessed by Social Workers who were dispatched to communities to provide support and trauma care for those impacted by the earthquake.

And we’re seeing similar results during the current crises. Even in the face of food and fuel shortages, cholera outbreaks, and violence threatening our communities, our teams and community members continue to operate at a far higher level than most surrounding communities. Because when economic opportunities are available communities along with other viable services that enable families to meet their basic needs, they can experience the hope and promise of the freedom that comes with independence and self-sufficiency. Today, your investment in building Haiti Stronger has empowered families to end generational poverty. That’s the proof of the power and impact of the Overture Social Support Model.

What's Next?

Now that we’ve shared our Why, How and What, what’s next? Even with a clear, compelling mission and vision, an effective and powerful process, and proven results, there’s so much more work to be done to implement the Social Support Model in more communities. That’s what is so exciting and encouraging about this work. We’re just getting started and, thanks to the generosity of our donors and the tenacity of our teams and community members, we’re already seeing amazing results. Just imagine if we’re able to expand and deepen our efforts to equip and empower our friends in southern Haiti to control their own destiny and transform their families, their communities and their country! To build Haiti Stronger!

So, what’s next? Honestly, a significant part of that answer is up to you and others who care about the people of Haiti and their future. Your prayers, your encouragement and your financial support are critical pieces of ensuring we’re able to successfully continue our mission to empower Haitian families and their communities to be active and engaged in building full, hopeful and independent lives. We’d love to know you’re praying for and encouraging our teams and communities by sending an email to

We can’t wait to see what God’s got planned next for building Haiti Stronger!

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