Denord is a farmer in Les Cayes, who has been farming since he left school in the fourth

grade. Read his story, in his own words, of how farming has impacted both his life and the lives of his family and community.
“Overture and ESPWA have provided me access to the land I farm. This land offers me the opportunity to earn an income for my family. If I invest 50,000 gourdes (approx. $450) in growing corn, I can earn 125,000 gourdes (approx. $1,200). And when I grow melon, I can bring in 500,000 gourdes (approx. $4,500). This income allows me to take care of my family, pay my child’s school tuition and pay for our healthcare. These are all things that were impossible for us before we began farming.
Also, when I harvest our crops, the people who come to help me always go home with a portion of the harvest for their family or to sell. Our work supports many people in our community, especially the small traders. For example, at harvest time, many community members buy from me in bulk and then resell to others in the community. Ultimately, farming is the means for my family and my community to become independent and self-sufficient.”